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Sailing school

Foto2Learn to sail at the royal sailing club of Valencia.

We currently teach Light Sailing and Sail Cruising courses.

The Light Sailing courses are taught on "Gamba� type vessels for groups of approx. 5-6 people.

If you are between 8 and 12 years of age, once you have completed the sailing courses you can become part of the Optimist fleet and sail throughout the year.

For information on courses and enrolment, visit paxcol@paxcol.com. paxcol@paxcol.com or call us on 963414110.

For more information visit: vela@rcnauticovalencia.com

© 2004 RCN Valencia Cº Canal,91 46024 Valencia Tel.: 96.367.90.11 Fax: 96.367.77.37